Vector drawing
Vectorial drawing is basically a graphic image created from geometric elements (lines, segments, polygons, arcs, etc.) that have been defined by mathematical attributes.
I use vector drawing in a symbiotic way. Symbiotism is a way of understanding art, it is the integration of artistic languages that is nourished by the scenic arts, the techniques of ambience, the plastic arts of photography, the aesthetics of painting, the language of collage, graphic art and illustration as well as architectural rules, sculptural proportion and symbolism.
I use vector drawing in a symbiotic way. Symbiotism is a way of understanding art, it is the integration of artistic languages that is nourished by the scenic arts, the techniques of ambience, the plastic arts of photography, the aesthetics of painting, the language of collage, graphic art and illustration as well as architectural rules, sculptural proportion and symbolism.
Plasticity prevails in my work, which is disciplined in many styles with different results. The abstract part speaks of me, of my feelings and emotions, it reflects the anguish and exaltations that my state of mind gives it at any given moment; it is the most hidden part of my character. The figurative work, however, deals with my ideas, thoughts and experiences. It recreates everything that I have seen, experienced and known from the point of view of the other observer.
Symbiotism fuses the souls of these plastic-visual expressions, the feelings that nestle in them and give them life, to tell stories, to capture ideas and thoughts, and also to participate in pure expressionism.
I develop this work using a technical drawing programme originally very limited in its aesthetic possibilities (the same one with which I design architectural plans and projects), altering its functions in search of complex, plastic and highly symbolic compositions. The result is for me both an artistic experience and a chronicle of our times.