Renato Manzoni

"La trayectoria artística de Renato Manzoni (España, 1945) comienza en el mundo del arte conceptual, abstracto y simbolista de los años 70 en Barcelona. En los años 90, con el auge del PC, su obra artística se adentra en el mundo digital, conservando sin embargo tanto su carácter pictórico como de propuesta conceptual. Realizados exclusivamente a mano con un programa de diseño vectorial arquitectónico, sus “lugares virtuales” – paisajes, escenas, personajes – son una ilusión formada por innumerables líneas, polígonos y capas de color, los mismos que se utilizan para diseñar planos y alzados de edificios. Con ello, el artista se burla de los límites estéticos que impone el programa para crear composiciones de gran complejidad, belleza y carga simbólica".

Stop the failure

The closing of a product has a precarious status in the business world. While every publication from Time to Harvard Business Review like to remind us that risk and failure are essential to design and the startup community, very few words are written on the act of closing a product — what it takes, what to consider and what

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Learning Lessons

Let’s start with a thorny concept most of us have heard of: cybercrime. It’s a mature industry with an extensive professionally run underground economy. As you might know, the cybercrime economy is based on the development and distribution of sophisticated tools to carry out large-scale fraud attacks, consumer-data breaches and politically motivated distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)

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What architects need

Today, browsers support Web fonts, and we’ve got the valid CSS to make the fonts work. Of course, as old browsers changed and new browsers (and extended font families) emerged, valid CSS became an ever-moving target. On the DIY side, a big “Thank you!” to Paul Irish, who gave us the “Bulletproof Syntax” to fool Internet

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Music Post

One aspect that Lie missed in his article was the need for more Web fonts — how could we take Web design to the next level if we didn’t have a lot of fonts to use? This, of course, meant that you had to gain the trust of the type design community. Remember when type

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